Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What I'm Listening To


One of the toughest things about trying to raise believing children, is to stay fueled up emotionally, spiritually, and culturally. However, it is essential as disciple making parents that we do. Here are some podcasts that you can listen to while driving, at the gym, or going about your day, to help keep you fueled up. They range in length from only a few minutes per, to over an hour per episode. 

Unbelievable:  This is a podcast that invites scholars to debate different topics in the Christian faith.

Christ and Pop Culture (CPAC): The CAPC podcast and website are dedicated to looking at pop culture and wrestling with the truth that is found within it. I have found that they ask needed questions when thinking about pop culture through a Christian lens.

The Gospel Coalition: This podcast deals theologically with some of the deeper and more challenging issues in our faith. It provides a great partner to to the CPAC podcast.

Center For Parent Youth Understanding (CPYU): Walt Mueller is an expert on teens and culture trends for teens today. This podcast is really helpful with staying up to date on teen culture.

Ask John Piper:  Pastor John Piper has a deep knowledge of Biblical and theological things.  In each episode of this podcast he will give you lots of food for thought.

Reasons To Believe: There are several podcasts over at RTB, that are worth listening to. They interact with current scientific discoveries, look at evidence for intelligent design, and offer a Christian perspective.   

Ravi Zacharias:  Ravi Zacharias is another well known Biblical scholar. In this podcast you get to benefit from his years of study, and chew on the meat of scripture.

Answers in Genesis:  This is another podcast that looks at the scientific and Biblical sides of creationism.

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