Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sexual Objectification: Our Daughters and Sons

In Genesis we find the creation story of our world, us, and everything in it. From a bird's eye view the narrative is absolutely beautiful, and powerful. A loving God who is powerful enough to not only make life, but who intentionally chooses to make it, and make it good. That is amazing. And, not the way a great slice of pizza is amazing! It is life changing amazing, and profound.

One of my favorite parts of the creation account is when God creates Eve. Adam has just named all of the animals, and in that process he learns that there is none like him. And, he must have found this knowledge a bit hard to take. Because, God says it was not good for man to be alone. God causes Adam to fall asleep (Rip Van Winkle style), and from Adam's rib (side) God makes Eve. Adam is so out of it, that he has no idea any of this is happening. When God wakes Adam up and introduces Eve to him, Adam breaks out into a love poem. He didn't do that when he saw a cow for the first time! Adam declares that Eve is "Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh". Essentially, he is saying, "She is the perfect fit for me, and we are the same."

There is a deep spiritual connection and equality between Adam and Eve. While their roles and giftings as male and female are different, their job is the same. To be a constant reminder of God's love and faithfulness for one another. However, enter sin, and everything gets turned on it's head.

Below, are a couple videos that talk about sexual objectification. One speaks to our daughters, and the other our sons. These videos discuss a difficult subject, but one that is desperately needed to be talked about. While both of these videos come from a non-Christian perspective, they ask brilliant and relevant questions. As a parent and adult, give these videos and watch, and consider: Is my teen ready to watch this with me? How can I use the questions below to start a discussion, even if we don't watch the video together? Should I pass this on to my 20 something, or another young adult that I know?

Video 1: "The Sexy Lie" Caroline Heldman via TEDx

Questions to ask:
  1. In what ways do we as Christians subconsciously affirm or even promote sexual objectification?
  2. How can we help our students understand how to identify sexual objectification?
  3. How does sexual objectification inform self image? What does it actually look like for us to find our identity in Christ?
  4. How can we as Christians redeem culture (not run from it), and promote a healthy Christ centered self-image? Ie. Deconstruct the prominence of hyper-sexualization through the teachings and truth of Jesus.
  5. How can I as a parent model a healthy Christ-centered image?
                        --> "Tools to master your environment. v. Projects to be mastered."

Video 2: "A Call To Men" via TED

Questions to ask:
  1. How do I define "manhood" for my sons (Ie. What's in my Man Box?)? How does God define manhood?
  2. What cultural elements have I let creep in to my definition of manhood? Do they fit with scripture?
  3. What fear holds us captive, to holding on to a definition of manhood, that isn't Christ like?
  4. "If it would destroy him to be called a girl, what are we teaching him about girls?" 
  5. How is my reconciliation in Christ (as a man), tied to our wives, daughters, sisters, and female friends reconciliation in Christ?

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