Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Memorizing Scripture

Memorizing scripture can be tough.

Once you have a scripture memorized, it feels good! However, the path to memory is often fraught with stumbling blocks, discouragement, and frustration. Yet the Psalmist writes:

Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! 
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light to my path.

It is good for us to commit God's word to our hearts. One way to do this, is to memorize it. This fall Pastor Don recommended ScriptureTyper to our small group. It was a helpful tool as our group was trying to memorize I Cor. 13 over several weeks. Here are the details: 

Scripture Typer:

This website is free to join, and helps you memorize scripture through typing it. They also offer a ScriptureTyper app ($5.99) for Apple devices, Android devices, and for Kindle Fire.

Cool features: The website allows you set up your own preferences for typing, it tracks your typing speed, and you can join an established group, or set up your own group. Setting up a group as a family could be a great way to memorize scripture together. Oh, and it keeps track of how many verses you have memorized!

Whenever you are trying to memorize scripture don't forget to:

1. Pray before you start: It's God's word. Ask him to join you, and to reveal his word to your heart.
2. Set reasonable goals: Don't try to memorize all of Genesis in one night.  
3. If you can, get friends or family involved:  The accountability of having someone journey with you is great.

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