Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rememebring Christ This Christmas

Christmas is almost here.... Literally! Only 7 more days till Santa comes!

Oh, Santa. I feel like the old guy in the red suit is supposed to make Christmas meaningful or peaceful. But, let's be honest, he's not real. So, he can't bring meaning, peace, or joy to me this or any Christmas. However, I know the One who is real. And, He can bring peace, meaning, and joy to me and all His children this, and every Christmas. He is Jesus. Without the cliche culture semantics; "He is the reason for the season."

Sure, I know all about the pagan past of Christmas. The raucous partying didn't cease, till the Yule Log stopped burning. The Christmas Tree is a symbol of fertility, in the "dormant season". Peasants would go "caroling" to demand food, drink, and gifts of the rich. And, if the rich didn't give into their demands through song, the peasants would most likely pillage the home and take what they wanted. Ever wonder why the carol goes: "And bring us some figgy pudding... we won't go till we've got some..."?

But, if we're going to be honest, most of us in the 21st century have about as much connection to the celebration of Saturnalia, as we do to Dionysus. So why not celebrate Christmas in it's fullness; and, most importantly in it's essentials? At youth group we have been celebrating the traditional Church season of Advent. This season is fully dedicated to the essentials of Christmas. That being Christ, and worshiping Him. I hope it has helped to remove some of the "clutter" from Christmas for our students. But how will we remove Christmas "clutter" from our homes?

Here are some ideas:

1. Have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas day. Sure, Jesus wasn't born in December. But, it is when we celebrate it as a Church. And, I 'm not convinced it's the month in which we celebrate it, that makes it important. It is the fact the He is the Messiah, that gives it great importance. So have a cake, and sing Him happy birthday before you open any of the presents.

2. Attend a Christmas Eve church service: I understand that just going to church isn't the end all be all, to our spiritual journeys. It is one part. A very important one part. What better way to remind ourselves and our children of the essentials of Christmas, by spending part of it in God's house, with God's people, and worshiping God's Son?

3. Read the Christmas story in scripture as a family: Each Christmas Eve, after we returned home from church, my parents would have us read the Christmas story together. Often, we would open presents Christmas eve, since my mom (who is a nurse) had to work on Christmas day. It was a good reminder, and a good follow up on what we just heard and sang about in church.

4. Talk through the nativity: Was there really no room in the inn? Was there even an inn? Were the wise men there the night of Jesus' birth? And, how many were there? Why did they bring gifts that were so elaborate? And, how did Mary and Joseph use those gifts? These are some questions that can help us think through and understand the nativity scene better. Seeing truth in the nativity, can help us see a greater depth in what God did during the first 6 years of Jesus' life.

Here and here, are two articles answering some of these questions, and a video!  

However you spend your Christmas, don't let it get too "cluttered", and end up missing the Messiah.

Oh, and here is a really fun article about the real St. Nic. Spoiler alert: St. Nic punches a guy...   

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