Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Free Access To A Great Resource!

A couple months ago I wrote the following post about our church's partnership with rightnow MEDIA. I thought I'd repost it since summer is winding down, school is just around the corner, and now is a great time to be thinking about resources for discipling and encouraging our kids in their faith during the coming school year.

Our church has an account with rightnow MEDIA. Why's that important for you? Great question!

It means you and your teens can have access to great video teaching from people like:

  • Beth Moore
  • Andy Stanley
  • Francis Chan
  • Louie Giglio
  • Matt Chandler
  • And many more! (Sorry that sounds like an infomercial...)
Seriously, it's free. It's not the end all, be all to discipleship. But, it is a great resource in our disciple making parent tool box. And, there is stuff for the whole family. Kid's stuff, lessons just for teens, and teaching just for you as an adult and parent. This could be a great resource to stay connected and talking about faith as a family in the busy summer months. 

All you need to do is email me ( and let me know you want access. Then, I'll have you added to our account, you'll receive an automated email from rightnow MEDIA, and you can sign in. Pretty easy huh? 

Oh, and you can stream the videos on all your devices. Sweet, right?

Here are some examples of what you'll have free access to:





Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rude: A Father and Daughter's Thoughts.

Here's a fun one to kick-off the POTR blog being back in action after our Challenge Conference hiatus.

Have you heard this song?

Try the link if the video doesn't appear:

Here is what one dad had to say about it. 

Try the link if the video doesn't appear:

And, here's a daughter's thoughts. 

Try the link if the video doesn't appear:

*The two people who did the video responses are not related.

As a father of two little girls it provided me some food for thought this week. Two things specifically:

  1. Are we raising sons and daughters to be people of integrity in all things?
  2. What portions of both the father's response and the daughter's response are valid? What portions aren't?